
Monday, August 8, 2011

Friday 5th August - Part Two

While Steve's date with Beth/Cilla/Janice and her Wayne Rooney-a-like son is going, err, well, Becky cracks up the gloating before introducing herself to Steve's "washed-up slapper" date. This descends into a rather hilarious three-way slagging match between Steve, his date and Becky which leaves Nick out of pocket after offering to pay the bill in exchange for them leaving. Good result all round.

Meanwhile, Chris forgets to pick up baby Liam and Maria finds him in the Rovers. Chris makes out he's forgotten but I really wouldn't blame him if it was a conscious decision. At least this time he's got his priorities straight. Pub > Babies. Maria obviously doesn't understand this flawless logic and is a tiny bit angry. Pfft. Women.

David drops the bomb on Becky that Kylie has been granted her first supervised visit for Max. He's a bit nasty, really. No need. Besides, the joke is really on him. He could end up having to live with that drip of a child.

Back behind the bar, Cheryl contemplates one of life's most philosophical questions: "How long is a Becky fag-break".

David extends this strand by asking Kylie if she ever thinks about death. Well, David, we do. Mainly about yours and your shit mam's.

Tyrone drops Tommy in it when he bumps into Amber in the shop. I think he gave the game away when he couldn't speak a word of Greek and could breath perfectly fine. Anyway, Amber gets the house keys off him and marches round to confront them.

Before she storms in, Tommy divulges the extent of his knowledge to Tina, telling her he's like a shark and that, if they stop flirting, they die. She points out that it is actually swimming sharks need to do. The two then go in for a perfectly timed smooch as Annoying Amber marches through the door.

When Tommy's lying is exposed to Tina, her devastation and anguish is plain for all to see, as she wails about the lengths she has gone to for her, now ruined, date with the young Duckworth: "I bought you a tiramisu!" she exclaims. If only more women would buy me tiramisu. I guess I've just never met that special woman. That, my friends, is a sign of true love.

Anyway, I digress, the upshot of this is that Tommy is dumped twice in one night and is left to clean up after the meal. Most of which is now either on the floor or on his face.

Love is evidently in the air on the street tonight as, over at the bistro, Nick tells Becky that they won't work as a couple. Becky promises to him that it's not just about winding up David, Kylie and Steve but admits she still sort-of loves Steve but also hates him, too, and quits work.

Who says the jobs market is on its arse, eh?

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