
Monday, August 15, 2011

Friday 12th August - Part Two

Part two kicks-off with Stella confronting Eva about the disappearing birthday card. Eva says that she was just trying to protect Stella from getting too close to Leanne and was doing her a favour.

Stella asks Eva a fairly straight forward question to which Eva asks if she expects an answer. Stella retorts by sarcastically exclaiming "No, I'm always asking questions I don't want answering." Clearly not a fan of rhetorical questions, then. Anyway, this bean-spilling means that Stella and Leanne patch things up.

Elsewhere, Chris is taking Russ for a kick about. Cheryl tells him that he'll have to tell Russ about his tumour. Chris is understandably reluctant but, after the kick around (where we learn that Chris is shit at football), he tells Russ (who is looking and sounding more like a girl as each episode goes by) that he's got a brain tumour.

Russ is definitely his mother's son because he asks what it is (it is a tumour on the brain, for those of you of a similarly thick disposition). Chris then explains about the treatment. Bizarrely Russ doesnt need stuff like radiotherapy explaining twice. Obviously, Russ is worried his dad might die but Chris promises he wont. Probably not the best thing to promise at this stage.

Cheryl again scaldss Lloyd for not being psychic and having poor timing, as he comes in as Chris is chatting to Russ. Cheryl apologises for making Lloyd feel bad, although Russ doesn't follow his mam's lead, saying he doens't want Lloyd, he wants his dad. Lloyd looks sad. I don't like it when Lloyd looks sad.

In the Rovers and Underworld, both Stella and Frank, respectively, are filled in on the obvious beef between Carla and Leanne. The beef, in case you can't remember, is called 'Peter'.

It appears that the ground that Lloyd put his foot down on was a bit soft because, behind Cheryl's back, he invites Chris to stay at the flat. The bloody soft lad.

In the restaurant, a clearly leathered Julie's date gets off to a flyer as she falls over her chair, gets hiccups and offers great conversation starters like "Do you like offle?" When Eva comes over to offer desert, Julie threatens here about coming onto Brian. Yes, she really thought that a good-looking blonde twentysomething was coming onto Len from 'Born And Bread'.

Maria goes to talk with Cheryl about Chris not wanting help off her but getting it off Cheryl. Maria asks if Chris and Cheryl are getting back together. Cheryl assures her they're not getting back together. There is far too much assurances about that not happening, for my liking. It will, you just watch.

At the Platt's hutch, David rubs Kylie's nose to in him getting to go on this course. At this point, the penny drops with Gail that she'll be stuck with Kylie while David is away. Gail, if you're reading this, suicide is an option worth considering. Try it. Go on. Please?

Cheryl decides to walk out of her shift early (again, another thing I won't be trying in my job). She goes home to discover Chris has moved in. It turns out he's also shit at football on the Playstation, too. Quite ironic seeing as it's now Chris being regularly beaten by a family member. Cheryl tells Chris about Maria's concerns and that he should speak to her.

As her date is coming to an end, an increasingly bladdered Julie is still jealous about Eva's flirting with Brian. Julie decides to make her move on him there and then, trying to undress him in full view of the rest of the place. On this, Brian decides to call it a night. Julie thinks that it's because he fancies Eva and staggers out.

Making an effort to give Chris some time alone with Russ, Lloyd says he's going out for the night. And what a night! Boy, oh boy, can Lloyd party. His night out consists of having a kebab in his taxi, listening to motown. Animal!

After this mammoth session, he comes back home to see Cheryl, Chris and Russ sat down like a proper family, just as Russ asks if just the three of them can do something, as a family. This makes Lloyd look even sadder than before. I hope he cheers up for Monday. I don't think I can take much more of Lloyd being sad.

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