
Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday 4th September

For some reason, there was a Sunday episode of Corrie. This threw me all out of kilter, thinking Sunday was Monday and, as a result, it now seems as if this week will be a day longer. Brilliant.

Anyway, it's the morning after Norris' apparent run-in with the drug-dealer in the fridge and Rita is angry at Norris' disappearance, something that looks like it could become a monthly event.

Mary thinks Sylvia has locked him in the toilet again while Dennis thinks he's copped off. Theories that are, respectively, proven to be wrong and highly unlikely.

Over the road, Becky is starting her new packing job at Underworld, under the expert tutelidge of Kirk, and Frank's parents come to visit, with his dad confidently modelling the jumper on shoulders look. Expect more fashion news later. His mam is a very touchy feely person, who can't wait to start doing that pinchy thing, to Carla, that over-happy women do to babies. Understandably, this makes Carla anxious.

We get the news that Leanne still isnt preggers despite the constant 'practice' her and Peter have been putting in. Peter celebrates by booking cocktails. I don't know, maybe I missed something.

Unfortunately, the cocktails coincide with Carla, Frank and his parents' meal. Another example of the impeccable timing Peter has when it comes to his treats for Leanne. Outside, Carla tells Peter how much she's loving it. She blatantly isn't, unless she was on about the knocking back of the wine. This isnt helped with Franks mam's insistance on talking about them having kids.

Over at the bar, Eva pokes and prods Leanne about all manner of subjects, including Peter's drinking and the number of fingers on their hands. Leanne loses it a bit, storms out and marches straight into an argument with Stella. Another successful date for Peter Barlow. I wish he'd bring out a guidebook.

Norris finally turns up in the Rovers, after spending the night in a Police cell, having made a citizens arrest on the dealer. Tyrone and Tommy fall over themselves to buy him a drink and is lauded a hero. Norris explains that the dealer is back in prison for violating parole and that he was mistakenly arrested along with him.

Back to the fashion update and Chris has taken to wearing a stupid hat. He should just rock the baldy look. He was nearly there already, before he started growing it just before he started his treatment. After a bit of badgering from Cheryl about someone needing to be in the house with Chris and Russ, in case Chris keels over, Lloyd cancels a night out.

Chris questions Lloyd about is sudden decision not to go out and takes exception. Russ hears the argument and runs out, meaning Lloyd and Chris have to venture out to look for him. Bloody over-sensitive kid.

Back at the restaurant, Carla's drinking leads her to have a go at Frank's irritating mam, to the displeasure of Frank's dad. Once, he found out about it after he'd stopped trying to chat up the bar staff, anyway.

A bladdered Carla then waltzes out and, ignoring Frank's protestations, attempts to drive home.

Unfortunately for all concerned, 'home' isn't through the front of the bookies, via Stella's torso.

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