
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday 1st August - Part Two

In the second part, or 'the business end', of Corrie Monday, David had a bit of a slagging match with Kylie about her, understandably, not being that bothered about that dull blond kid; Mick, Mike, Max, whatever its name is.

This leads Gail to (surprise, surprise) butt in and badger Kylie into crying about how she does actually love her sprogg but always lets him down, which she, at one point, attributes to not knowing "owt about Lego". A painful predicament any young parent can relate to, I'm sure.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that Gail convinces Kylie to keep Max on the grounds she now has the support of herself and David. If you can make sense of that logic then please, please let me know because, at this moment in time, I imagine that only a pairing of Joey Barton and a rabid ferret would provide a comparable upbringing.

All this made Gail late for her interview, not that it mattered because Becky got the job anyway, mainly thanks to her being fit and, in the Rovers, Chris dropped some drinks over Norris for no apparent reason other than that he's a clumsy tit.

Back in the Alahan household, Amber convinces Tommy to tell Dev they didn't do the deed, promising that her dad won't batter him. Dev doesn't really care about this and imposes an earlier curfew on her. He then tells her she can sod off back to uni only for Amber to reveal that she's dropped out, explaining "I had to stop going to lectures, I just couldn't keep up," making it apparent that she was studying for a combined honours in 'Gail Platt logic' and 'moronic cyclic arguments of the 21st Century'.

And that was about that for Monday.

Ta ra.

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  1. Ahh, you dismiss the dropping of the tray incident but that is leading somewhere (and not very subtly). Remember that before that we had the sight of Owen the builder barging into the pub (where all face to face confrontations take place.....oh, well, and Alahans' shop........and Audrey's salon. OK, anywhere where paying customers are present) and accusing Chris of damaging the van which he, Chris, could not recall.
    This story is taking Chris (whose hair has put on a remarkable spurt of growth) somewhere. Could it be the 'issue' of early dementia?

  2. Ah! Yes! Good shout.

    Completely forgot about Owen/Mr Chalkpenis from Alan Partridge's outburst. Probably because he has so many, it's hard to tell when one ends and the next starts.

    Seems that Chris' possible dementia is contagious as everyone, including Cheryl, appears to have forgotten about him being a wife-beater.

    (N.B. Prepare for that paragraph to be used again as the story progresses. This is an eco-friendly blog and I see no harm in recycling... Plus I hope people will have forgotten about this by then.)
